Speech problems
Speech problems can have a profound impact on a person's life. Find out more about common disorders, and how a speech pathologist can help.

Aphasia is a brain condition that involves difficulty with language and speech. A speech pathologist can help people with aphasia. Learn more.

Apraxia of speech
Apraxia of speech is a disorder that makes it difficult to move your mouth to produce sounds and words. Find out how a speech therapist can help.

Dysarthria is when muscles used to breathe and speak are weakened or paralysed, slurring your speech. Learn about causes, symptoms and management.

Speech development in children
Kids learn to talk and develop at their own rate, but there are some general patterns of speech development for babies and children. Find out more.

Speech pathology
Speech pathologists help people with communication and swallowing problems. Learn more about speech pathologists, what they do and how they can help.

Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects the flow of speech. Learn about treatments and programs that can help.