Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Key facts
- Infections of your urinary tract (also known as UTIs) are common.
- Bladder infections are the most common type of UTI.
- If you have symptoms of a UTI, see your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible for treatment.
What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)?
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system.
UTIs most commonly affect your bladder — this is called cystitis. But they can also affect your:
- kidneys — this is called pyelonephritis
- urethra (the tube that lets urine leave your body when you do a wee) — this is called urethritis

What are the symptoms of a UTI?
If you have a UTI, you may:
- have pain, stinging or a burning feeling when urinating (doing a wee)
- have smelly or cloudy urine
- feel the need to pass urine (wee) frequently
- need to urinate at night
Other symptoms can include:
- nausea and vomiting
- fever
- lower abdominal pain or discomfort
- pain in your lower back and sides
- blood in your urine (haematuria)
Sometimes when older people have a urinary tract infection, they can become confused or get delirium.
Signs of a UTI in children can also include:
- irritability
- day or night wetting in a child who is toilet trained
- being generally unwell
- feeding problems (in babies)
Signs and symptoms of a kidney infection can include:
- fever
- lower back and side pain
- diarrhoea
- nausea and vomiting
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What causes a UTI?
UTIs are caused by an infection with bacteria. Usually, the bacteria enters your body through your urethra.
Things that can increase your risk of UTIs include:
- having diabetes
- having a problem with your immune system
- having kidney stones or other problems with your urinary system
- having had previous UTIs
- having urinary incontinence
- using a urinary catheter
- using nappies (in infants and young children)
The urethra is much shorter in females than males, increasing the risk of UTIs. Other risk factors for UTIs in females include:
- being sexually active
- being pregnant
- using a diaphragm for contraception (birth control)
- having gone through menopause
In males, having an enlarged prostate can increase your risk of UTIs.
When should I see my doctor?
See your doctor as soon as possible if you have any symptoms of a UTI.
Kidney infections are a serious infection that needs immediate treatment with antibiotics. See your doctor straight away if you have symptoms of a kidney infection.
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How is a UTI diagnosed?
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and examine you. They will ask you for a urine (wee) sample for testing.
Sometimes, other tests may be needed. For example, if a kidney infection is suspected, imaging tests may be recommended.
If UTIs are an ongoing problem, your doctor may refer you to a urologist — a doctor specialising in urinary problems.
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How is a UTI treated?
Antibiotics are given to treat bacterial infections that cause UTIs. Your doctor can give you a prescription if they think you need antibiotics.
The type of antibiotic, how it is given and how long you take it will depend on your situation. People who are very unwell with a kidney infection or other UTI will need treatment in hospital.
Some pharmacists can provide treatment for UTIs. It can depend on where you live in Australia. Also, pharmacists can only prescribe antibiotics for certain people. Males, children and pregnant people cannot get antibiotics for a UTI without seeing a doctor.
Your doctor or pharmacist may also recommend pain-relief medicines to treat any pain and discomfort.
Can UTIs be prevented?
If you have repeated UTIs, your doctor may recommend some self-help measures to prevent UTIs, such as:
- drinking plenty of fluids each day
- gently wiping from front to back after urinating
There is conflicting evidence for cranberry products (juice, tablets or capsules) in preventing UTIs. If you want to try cranberry products, ask your doctor for advice.
Early or preventive antibiotics may be recommended for some people with recurrent UTIs. Talk to your doctor about this.
If you have been through menopause, your doctor may suggest vaginal oestrogen cream to prevent recurrent UTIs.
Complications of UTIs
Possible serious complications of a UTI can include:
Resources and support
Kidney Health Australia has a factsheet on urinary tract infections.
The Continence Foundation of Australia also has a factsheet on UTIs and information in languages other than English.
For more information in languages other than English, visit Health Translations.
You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Last reviewed: June 2024