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Mental health professionals

10-minute read

If you need to talk to someone about your mental health, call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

Key facts

  • Mental health professionals include psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, occupational therapists and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander mental health workers.
  • Speak with your doctor to find a suitable mental health professional for you.
  • In your first meeting, mental health professionals may ask about your symptoms, medical history, family history and any substance use.
  • Conversations with a mental health professional are confidential under Australian law, except if you are at risk of harm to yourself or others, or if a crime is involved.

What are the types of mental health professionals?

There are many types of health professionals working in mental health care. Your doctor is usually the first point of contact if you need help with your mental health. General practitioners can diagnose and treat some mental health disorders as well as advise you and refer you to other mental health professionals.

Other health professionals that work in mental health care include:

Most mental health professionals study and train for many years. They all have different skills to support you, including:

How do I find a mental health professional?

If you're searching for help with a mental health problem, try talking to your doctor (also known as a general practitioner or GP) first.

They can assess you, help you build a mental health treatment plan and refer you to another health professional if needed. They will be able to suggest the best type of mental health professional to help you. Depending on their training and experience, your doctor may also be able to treat you themselves.

You need a referral from your doctor to see some health professionals such as psychiatrists.

If you live in a rural or remote area, you may not have access to all the different types of mental health professionals. Talk to your doctor about whether online programs or therapies might help you. There are many online mental health resources that are backed up with contact from a mental health specialist.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

How do I choose a mental health professional?

One of the most important factors in successful treatment is your relationship with your mental health professional. When choosing a health professional, ask yourself questions such as:

Most types of health professionals must be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA). You can check if a health professional requires registration and is registered. A complaint about a health professional can be made via the AHPRA website.

Counsellors and psychotherapists are required to complete study and appropriate training to practise in Australia. There are professional bodies in Australia for counsellors and psychotherapists that ensure that their members have met all requirements and show that they have mental health skills, e.g. Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia and the Australian Counselling Association.

You may have to meet a few health care professionals before you find the right person for you. Even within the same profession, different people may have different skills, specialties and styles. For example, psychiatrists may specialise in schizophrenia or eating disorders. Some counsellors specialise in a particular area, for example, drug or alcohol abuse, family therapy, or anxiety and depression.

ASK YOUR DOCTOR — Preparing for an appointment? Use the Question Builder for general tips on what to ask your GP or specialist.

What can I expect when I visit a mental health professional?

At your first visit with a mental health professional, they will want to know about your symptoms and what is concerning you. They will also ask about your medical history. They may ask questions relating to the reason for your appointment such as:

They will also ask questions about:

At the end of your visit, your health professional may:

Will my information be kept confidential?

Most conversations with a mental health professional are confidential and protected by law in Australia, unless:

If you are concerned about confidentiality, ask your practitioner at the start of your appointment.

What if I need to change my mental health professional?

There are many reasons why you might want to change your mental health professional such as:

It's a good idea to first talk to the person you're seeing. If the time or place is an issue, they might be able to change the appointment times or move the appointments to a different location.

If you decide to change, you can ask for your medical notes to be transferred to your new health professional. This will help your new health professional understand you better and it will make the change easier.

Don't be put off if the first person you try doesn't work out. It's worth persevering so you can get the right support.

What does it cost to see a mental health professional?

The cost of seeing a health professional depends on the type of health professional you see. Medicare may cover some or all of the costs for mental health services.

If you have a diagnosed mental illness, your doctor can provide you with a mental health treatment plan. This provides a Medicare rebate for up to 10 individual and 10 group sessions a year with some mental health specialists.

If a doctor or psychologist bulk bills, Medicare will cover the cost of the appointment. Otherwise, there will be a gap fee that you will have to pay. Ask about fees up front.

Resources and support

If you want further information about mental health professionals and how to find someone suitable for you and your situation, speak with your doctor.

You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

healthdirect offers a comprehensive directory of mental health resources.

The following organisations also provide resources and support:

Looking for information for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people?

Looking for information for culturally and linguistically diverse people?

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