Drugs and alcohol
Alcohol and illicit drug use is a leading cause of preventable disease in Australia. This includes using illegal drugs, and misusing prescription drugs.
Substance abuse and addiction can have wide ranging effects on a person’s life, impacting their health, finances and relationships. Use the links below to learn more about drugs, alcohol, and where to get help for addiction.
Drug abuse
Drug abuse can affect your health, relationships, job and education. Learn about Australia's drug laws, drug addiction and where to get help.

Drugs and alcohol - how to help someone
Supporting somebody who's struggling with drug or alcohol misuse is not easy, but help is available.

Alcohol is a legal but mood-changing drug. Read more about alcohol’s effects on the body, about safe drinking, 'standard drinks', and more.

Cannabis (marijuana)
Marijuana (cannabis) is one of the most commonly used illicit drugs in Australia. You can find out more about marijuana and how it impacts users here.

Cocaine, or 'coke', is an addictive drug that can cause unwanted effects. Learn more about cocaine and the risks associated with its use.

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation services can help you reduce or stop using substances. Learn more about rehab services and where to go for help.

Drug overdose
A drug overdose is when you take more of a drug than your body can handle. Learn how to recognise, respond to, and prevent a drug overdose.

GHB is a party drug. It has been linked to date rape and sexual assault. Find out more about the physical effects and consequences of using GHB.

Heroin is an illegal, addictive drug with many side effects. Find out more about the dangers of heroin use, addiction and rehabilitation.

Ice (crystal meth)
Ice, also known as crystal meth, is a very addictive illegal drug. Find out more about ice, including what it is and the dangers of its use.

Ketamine is a drug used by doctors and vets. It can also be used illegally to get high. Learn more about ketamine and the dangers of long-term abuse.

LSD (acid)
LSD is a hallucinogenic drug that can change your perception of reality. Find out how LSD works, and the health risks of LSD addiction.

MDMA (ecstasy)
MDMA (ecstasy) is an illicit drug which can give a euphoric rush, but which has dangerous side effects. Learn about the risks posed by MDMA use.

Overcoming addiction
Recovering from an addiction is a gradual process. It may take a few attempts. Rehabilitation is easier with support to help you deal with symptoms.

Party drugs
Some people use drugs at parties to experience a ‘high’. But party drugs can impact your mental and physical wellbeing, and many are illegal.

Speed is an addictive drug that can lead to health, social and financial problems. Find out about its effects and associated risks.

Substance abuse
Substance abuse involves using too much alcohol or other drugs. Read about the signs of substance abuse as well as available treatments.

What is addiction?
This article describes the types, causes and signs of addiction, and where to get help.