Cosmetic procedures
Cosmetic procedures are carried out by a medical professional to change a person’s appearance. Before you get a cosmetic procedure, you should become informed on what’s involved with the procedure you are considering.

Guide to cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic surgery is done to change your appearance. Find out more about cosmetic surgery and the types of question you can ask your surgeon.

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Abdominoplasty (also called a 'tummy tuck') is cosmetic surgery to alter the shape of your abdomen. Read about the procedure and the questions to ask.

Blepharoplasty is an operation to tighten your skin and soft tissues around your eyes.

Breast augmentation (breast implants)
Women may have breast implant surgery for cosmetic or medical reasons. Learn about breast implants and some questions to ask your doctor.

Breast reduction
A breast reduction is an operation to make your breasts more even in shape or reduced in size.

Breast uplift
A breast uplift is an operation to remove excess skin from your breasts to improve their shape. It’s done under a general anaesthetic.

A facelift is a form of cosmetic surgery designed to change your facial appearance by reducing lines and wrinkles. Find out what a facelift involves.

Hair transplant
Hair transplantation is a treatment option for baldness. It's a surgery which transfers hair from where it is thicker to hairless areas of the scalp.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure. It’s used to reshape your body by removing fat. You can read more about liposuction here.

Pinnaplasty (adult)
This procedure permanently makes the ears sit closer to the sides of the head.

Pinnaplasty (child)
Pinnaplasty for children permanently makes your child’s ears sit closer to the sides of their head.

Ptosis surgery (adult)
Ptosis surgery involves lifting the eyelid to improve its position and your vision.

Rhinoplasty (nose job)
Rhinoplasty (often called a 'nose job') is surgery to repair or reshape your nose. Learn about what to consider before having a nose job.