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Key facts

  • Haemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder, which means it can be passed on from birth parents to their children.
  • If you have haemophilia, your blood doesn’t clot properly, which makes it difficult to control bleeding.
  • Some people have mild haemophilia, while others are more severely affected.
  • The main symptoms of haemophilia are easy bruising, having large bruises, and greater than normal bleeding from surgery or menstruation.
  • There is no cure for haemophilia, but heavy bleeding can be controlled with medical treatment.

What is haemophilia?

Haemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder, which means it can be passed on from birth parents to their children. If you have haemophilia, your blood doesn’t clot properly. This can lead to bleeding that is difficult to control.

When a blood vessel is injured, special proteins in the blood called ‘clotting factors’ act to control blood loss by plugging or patching up the injury. People with haemophilia have lower than normal levels of a clotting factor.

What are the types of haemophilia?

There are 2 types of haemophilia.

  • Haemophilia A (also called classic haemophilia) is the most common type. It is caused by a lack of clotting factor 8.
  • Haemophilia B (sometimes called Christmas disease) is caused by a lack of clotting factor 9.

It is important to know the type of haemophilia you have, as each type requires different clotting factor treatment.

Some people have mild haemophilia, while others are more severely affected.

What are the symptoms of haemophilia?

The main signs of haemophilia are:

  • easy bruising from an early age
  • internal bleeding for no obvious reason, especially in the joints and muscles
  • greater than normal bleeding following injury or surgery
  • abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation or after giving birth

Although bleeding problems often start from a very young age, some children don’t have symptoms until they begin walking or running. People with mild haemophilia may not bleed excessively until they get an injury or have surgery.

What causes haemophilia?

Haemophilia is an inherited condition and occurs in families, but 1 in 3 people with haemophilia will have it even without a family history of the disorder.

Haemophilia is caused by a mutation in a gene that is located on the X chromosome.

Females have 2 copies of the X chromosome in body cells, while males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. For this reason, haemophilia is much more common in males. Females who inherit a gene for haemophilia often have an unaffected gene on their other X chromosome. This means that they while they can pass on the gene for haemophilia to their children (be a genetic carrier), they may not be affected by haemophilia themselves.

How is haemophilia diagnosed?

If your doctor suspects that you have haemophilia, they may refer you for blood tests to measure the levels of clotting factors in your blood. These tests can show the type and severity of the disease.

Genetic testing can often confirm a diagnosis of haemophilia, but in some cases, doctors won’t know if you have a gene mutation.

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How is haemophilia treated?

There is currently no cure for haemophilia. It is possible to manage haemophilia effectively, although it can be complex.

When someone with haemophilia has a bleeding episode, they will need treatment to help their blood clot and stop the bleeding. This usually involves giving clotting factors by infusion or injection.

If you have haemophilia, you need to be very careful not to injure yourself. Be sure to learn how to recognise a bleed, as there may be no visible signs of bleeding, for example, if your bleed inside your body.

Australian guidelines recommend that people with haemophilia get care from a team of healthcare professionals. This team may include doctors (GPs and/or specialists) nurses, medical scientists, physiotherapists, social workers and psychologists.

If you are diagnosed with haemophilia, you should ask your doctor about the benefits of referral to a haemophilia treatment centre, where a health team can provide you with comprehensive care.

Complications of haemophilia

The most common complication of the haemophilia is damage to joints and muscles that result from bleeding into these areas. These complications are best managed by a multidisciplinary health care team.

Resources and support

Haemophilia Foundation Australia provides information and support for people with haemophilia.

Visit our genetic disorders guide to learn more about genes, types of genetic disorders, and where to go for help and more information.

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Last reviewed: January 2023

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These trusted information partners have more on this topic.

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Haemophilia - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

Introductory information about haemophilia, including who has haemophilia, types, severity and symptoms, diagnosis, inheritance and treatment.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Haemophilia booklet - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

Information booklet about haemophilia. This is an introduction to haemophilia with diagrams showing genetic inheritance and how bleeding occurs in haemophilia along with information about diagnosis and treatment, carrying the gene and tips on living well.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

On the Move with Haemophilia - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

On the Move with Haemophilia is a fact sheet and set of videos about sport and exercise for young people with haemophilia aimed at parents, teachers, and sports coaches. It includes information on haemophilia, appropriate exercise, managing a bleeding episode, rehabilitation after a bleed and participation in school activities.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Haemophilia guide for parents of a newly diagnosed child - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

A guide for parents of a newly diagnosed child with haemophilia. It includes information about haemophilia, inheritance, bleeding in haemophilia, bruises, and treatment. It also covers growth and development, parenting a child with haemophilia, siblings and exercise and sport. Information on support, including haemophilia foundations and camps, and contact details of services are also given.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Newly diagnosed with haemophilia - Haemophilia Foundation Australia Newly diagnosed with haemophilia - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

Has your child been newly diagnosed with haemophilia? This is what you need to know now about haemophilia, what to expect and who can help.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Mild haemophilia fact sheet - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

A downloadable fact sheet on mild haemophilia. What you need to know about mild haemophilia, symptoms, treatment, when to seek help for bleeding, serious bleeds.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Acquired haemophilia- Haemophilia Foundation Australia

A short fact sheet about acquired haemophilia, symptoms and treatment, with links to more detailed high quality information.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Gene therapy in haemophilia - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

Information about gene therapy in haemophilia, including types of gene therapy, haemophilia and genes, how gene therapy works, what happens when you have gene therapy and are on a clinical trial and frequently asked questions.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Acquired haemophilia fact sheet - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

A fact sheet on acquired haemophilia, with information on its cause, symptoms and treatment.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

Haemophilia and carrying the gene - Haemophilia Foundation Australia

Information for women and girls on carrying the gene alteration causing haemophilia. This answers questions such as can females have haemophilia; what the symptoms are; how to manage bleeding problems; pregnancy and childbirth; and tips from other women who carry the gene.

Read more on Haemophilia Foundation Australia website

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