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Leg pain

8-minute read

Key facts

  • There are many types of leg pain.
  • Leg pain can be: in one spot or anywhere in the legs; sharp or dull; feel like burning or feel numb.
  • Treatment for leg pain depends on the cause of your pain.

What is leg pain?

Leg pain is any feeling of pain or discomfort in your legs. The pain can be anywhere between your groin and ankles.

Leg pain can vary from moderate to severe. It depends on what is causing your pain. Your symptoms may be there all the time or they may come and go.

Leg pain can be acute. This means it comes on quickly and then goes away.

Or it can last for weeks or months. In this case it is called chronic leg pain. For some people, chronic leg pain can last for years and affect their lives.

What are the symptoms of leg pain?

Leg pain comes in many different forms. It can affect just a small area of your leg. Or it can cover a wide area. Sometimes the whole leg is in pain. The pain can be in your buttocks or foot. It can be in your lower back or spine.

You might also have pain in other parts of your body.

The pain can be:

  • dull or sharp
  • burning or tingly

Your leg may feel numb.

Other signs and symptoms that can occur with leg pain are:

  • swelling — check if one leg looks different from the other
  • varicose veins
  • sores or ulcers
  • redness, swelling or warmth
  • changes in the colour of your leg or foot
  • a slow healing wound
  • feeling generally unwell if you are recovering from an infection or broken leg

If your leg pain is sudden, severe, or persistent, you should see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if you have other symptoms as well as leg pain.

What causes leg pain?

Here are some common causes of sore legs:

You can also get leg pains when there is something wrong with your body:

Leg pains in children may be growing pains

Muscle problems

Cramp — is when your muscles suddenly contract. The pain is normally felt in your calf. It will go away quite quickly by itself. Sometimes leg cramps can happen in pregnancy.

Muscle sprains and strains — your leg might be very tender and you might have trouble moving your leg. You might also have a muscle spasm or swelling.

Compartment syndrome — the pain will be very strong and will get worse when you stretch your leg. Your skin may feel tingly, burning or numb. Or your skin may look pale and feel cold.

Leg injuries

Not using your leg enough — you may have pins and needles or muscle stiffness.

Minor injuries such as a knock, bump or bruise can cause leg pain. There may be redness, swelling or discolouration at the site of your injury. Surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons can develop little knots that are very painful.

Fractures — a bone break or crack may cause leg pain, swelling or deformity. It can also cause bruising and loss of power or movement to your leg.


Ulcers, infected wounds or blisters — can all cause leg pain. They can also cause the area to be red, swollen and warm. You may have a fever and feel generally unwell.

Problems with blood vessels or nerves

Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) or poor circulation —may cause swelling, pressure, tenderness or a pale leg.

Varicose veins — can cause aching, throbbing or burning in your legs. You may also have heaviness, cramping or restless legs. Some people have swollen ankles, darkening of the skin over the veins. You could also get an itchy rash.

Claudication — is a problem where there is not enough blood flow getting to your muscle due to blocked arteries. This pain comes on with exercise and is eased by rest.

Nerve problems — may cause weakness, numbness or tingling in your legs. This could be caused by diabetic neuropathy.

Sciatica is a type of nerve pain. It starts in your back and goes down the back of your leg. It may get worse in certain positions.

Other causes

Chronic conditions — like rheumatoid arthritis or gout can cause leg pains.

Joint problems — pain down the back of the leg can be caused by problems with your:

  • ankles
  • knees
  • hips
  • back — sciatica


Growing pains in children — can cause aching or burning sensations in the muscles of the thighs, calves or feet. This usually happens at night.

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

When should I see my doctor?

If your symptoms are causing you anxiety or discomfort, talk to your doctor.

Sometimes, leg pain can signal something more serious. Seek medical attention urgently if you have sore or aching legs and:

  • your leg is swollen
  • it looks deformed or you cannot use it properly
  • it is unusually cool or pale
  • it is numb and weak
  • it is red and warm
  • both legs are swollen and you have breathing problems
  • the pain is getting worse
  • the pain has come on quickly with no explanation

See your doctor as soon as possible if you have signs of infection, like a fever. Also seek medical advice if you have calf pain after going on a long journey.

If your pain doesn't go away, your doctor might ask you to see another health professional. This could be a:

How is leg pain treated?

Treatment for leg pain depends on the cause.

Sore or aching legs can often be treated at home. If you have pins and needles, moving around should ease your discomfort.

If you have muscle cramps, gently stretching your muscles should help. This is true for many other types of leg pain, too.

You can take simple painkillers like paracetamol or anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen.

In some cases, you may need medication such as antibiotics. Some people may need surgery.

Treating leg pain from an injury

If you suddenly develop pain from an injury, use the RICER method:

  • Rest: avoid moving your leg.
  • Ice: put an icepack or bag of frozen peas on the sore area for 15-20 minutes at a time. Make sure to protect your skin by wrapping them in a cloth or towel. Repeat the ice treatment every 2 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days.
  • Compression: bandage the area firmly. Be sure the bandage is not too tight (if your toes turn blue you need to loosen the bandage).
  • Elevation: keep your leg above your hip.
  • Referral: have your injury checked by your doctor.

Can leg pain be prevented?

Look after your health generally. This includes getting enough sleep and drinking enough water. It also includes getting regular exercise and not smoking. Being a healthy weight might also help.

You should wear the right footwear for the activity you're doing. Change your shoes when they wear out.

You can prevent strains and injuries by always warming up before exercise. You should also cool down and stretch afterwards. Build up physical activity gradually. Do not take on too much too quickly.

Resources and support

For more information about leg pain you can call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: November 2023

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