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Leukaemia in children

9-minute read

Key facts

  • Leukaemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood.
  • There are many types of leukaemia.
  • Most childhood leukaemias are acute — they appear fast and grow quickly.
  • If you are worried that your child has symptoms of leukaemia, talk to your child’s doctor.

What is leukaemia?

Leukaemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood. It starts in the bone marrow, where blood cells are made, and spreads to the bloodstream.

Leukaemia happens when the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells (lymphocytes). Lymphocytes are a part of the immune system and help to fight infection.

Types of leukaemia

There are many types of leukaemia. They ‘re named after:

  • how fast the cancer cells grow
  • the types of cells involved

They may be:

  • acute — appearing fast and growing quickly
  • chronic — appearing gradually and growing slowly

Most childhood leukaemias are acute.

There are several types of leukaemia seen in children, including the following:

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), also called acute lymphocytic leukaemia — this is the most common type of leukaemia in children.
  • Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), also called acute myeloblastic leukaemia.
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) — this is rare in children but common in adults.
  • Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) — which is very rare in children but more common in teenagers.

About 8 out of 10 children with leukaemia have acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. These children are often between 2 and 4 years of age.

Watch this video from Cancer Australia about what it can be like to have cancer as a child:

What are the symptoms of childhood leukaemia?

Signs of leukaemia may include:

  • fever and night sweats
  • unexplained bruising and bleeding — small red spots under the skin
  • lumps in the neck, underarms, stomach or groin, or around the eyes
  • pale skin
  • dry skin rash

Other symptoms of leukaemia are:

  • pain in the bones or joints, or under the ribs
  • tiredness or weakness
  • loss of appetite
  • feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen (tummy)

The symptoms of leukaemia are like that of other common conditions. If you notice any of these symptoms, it doesn't mean that your child has leukaemia. But it's a good idea to see your doctor.

What causes childhood leukaemia?

The exact causes of leukaemia in children are not known, but it’s likely that several factors are involved.

Factors that may put some children at higher risk of leukaemia are:

  • family history of leukaemia
  • genetic conditions — certain conditions can increase a child’s risk of developing leukaemia, such as Down syndrome
  • exposure to radiation — children x-rayed before they were born and those who have previously had radiation therapy to treat cancer
  • previous chemotherapy

No one is to blame if a child develops cancer. It’s not because of something they, or their parents, did.

When should I see my doctor?

If you are worried that your child has symptoms of leukaemia, talk to your child’s doctor. The earlier cancer is found, the better.

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How is childhood leukaemia diagnosed?

Many symptoms of childhood leukaemia can be caused by other illnesses. To make a definite diagnosis of leukaemia, several tests need to be done.

Your doctor will most likely give your child a physical examination and take a sample of their blood. This will be examined under a microscope.

More tests will be done if the blood test shows:

  • large numbers of abnormal white blood cells
  • low numbers of healthy blood cells

There are several other tests that can be done to confirm the diagnosis of leukaemia, such as:

A bone marrow biopsy uses a syringe to take a sample of bone marrow, usually from the hip bone, for examination under a microscope and genetic testing.

During a lumbar puncture a needle is put into the space between the bones of the lower back. Fluid from around the spinal cord is removed for examination under a microscope.

Staging and further tests

The 'stage' of leukaemia describes how far the cancer has spread. Medical imaging tests can help with staging. These can include:

ASK YOUR DOCTOR — Preparing for an appointment? Use the Question Builder for general tips on what to ask your GP or specialist.

How is childhood leukaemia treated?

The treatment for leukaemia depends on:

  • the age of your child
  • whether the cancer has spread to their spinal fluid

The main treatment given to children with leukaemia are:

Other treatments your child may get are:

  • antibiotics to prevent infections
  • blood products to restore their blood

Children with leukaemia usually need treatment for 2 to 3 years, as well as ongoing regular check-ups.

What are the side effects of treatment?

Many cancer drugs have unwanted effects (side effects). This is because they damage normal cells as well as killing the cancer cells.

The side effects can vary between children even if they receive the same treatment.

Treatments for leukaemia in children can cause a range of short-term side effects, such as:

  • hair loss
  • bruising and bleeding
  • infections
  • nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting
  • tiredness

Longer-term effects, called 'late effects', can develop any time after treatment. These depend on the type and amount of medicine your child receives. Ongoing check-ups are needed to check for these.

Living with childhood leukaemia

It's important that children with leukaemia live as normal a life as possible. Whenever they feel well enough, they should be encouraged to do their usual activities. This includes going to school or day care. This can provide a sense of normalcy and hope for the future.

Can childhood leukaemia be prevented?

No — because the causes of childhood leukaemia aren’t fully understood, it’s not possible to prevent the disease.

Complications of childhood leukaemia

You may be worried about how treatment will affect your child’s fertility (ability to have their own children). You doctor will discuss this with you before treatment starts.

Resources and support

For more information and support, try these resources.

Information about leukaemia

Family support

Caring for a child with leukaemia can be very challenging and stressful. Many support services exist to help families. These include Cancer Councils in each state and territory (call 131120), and the Leukaemia Foundation.

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Last reviewed: November 2023

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Need more information?

These trusted information partners have more on this topic.

Top results

Leukaemia | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments | Cancer Council

Find information about leukaemia (or leukemias), including facts, screening, symptoms and diagnosis, causes, prevention and treatment.

Read more on Cancer Council Australia website

Childhood blood cancers - Leukaemia Foundation

If you have recently discovered your child has a blood cancer the doctor in charge of your child’s treatment has probably already talked to you about their diagnosis and tried to explain how it is likely to affect your child. Do not be afraid to ask for another meeting to discuss the diagnosis and treatment options.

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

Providing support for those with a blood cancer - Leukaemia Foundation

People living with these diseases need support to help them deal with the many demands of their illness and treatment. Diagnosis and treatment are challenging times when people need a lot of support. It is also important during times of relapse and recovery after treatment. While the need for support continues throughout the illness, the nature and the amount of this can change at different times.

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

Pregnancy with a blood cancer - Leukaemia Foundation

Being pregnant with a blood cancer or blood disorder poses challenges for you and your unborn baby. In addition, there are unique challenges for you, your baby, your loved ones and your treating medical team in managing both your pregnancy and your blood cancer or blood disorder.

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

Leukaemia | Cancer Australia

Leukaemia is a blood cancer characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal blood-forming cells in the bone marrow, leading to excessive production of immature blood cells and potential complications such as anaemia, infection, and bleeding.

Read more on Cancer Australia website

Childhood acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) - Leukaemia Foundation

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. AML is not a single disease. It is the name given to a group of leukaemias that develop in the myeloid cell line in the bone marrow. Myeloid cells can become red blood cells, platelets and all white blood cells excluding lymphocytes. AML is sometimes called acute myelocytic, myelogenous or granulocytic leukaemia.

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

Carers and friends - Leukaemia Foundation

Carers and friends From adjusting to becoming a carer, to resources and everyday tips, we’ve answered your questions about caring for a loved one

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

Childhood MDS and MPN - Leukaemia Foundation

Myelodysplastic syndromes are a group of blood cancers which all affect, to a greater or lesser extent, the production of normal blood cells in the bone marrow. MDS occurs as a result of a mutation (or change) in one or more of the genes that control blood cell development. In MDS, abnormal bone marrow stem cells (called blast cells) produce increased numbers of immature blood cells. These cells do not grow properly and often die prematurely. This results in lower numbers of mature red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets being produced.

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) - Leukaemia Foundation

Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are cancers that start in the bone marrow, where blood cells are made. In MPN, the bone marrow makes too many of one or more types of blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells and/or platelets). These cells change the thickness of the blood. Sometimes they don’t work properly. They also crowd the bone marrow and then it can’t make enough healthy blood cells.

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

Carers and the health system - Leukaemia Foundation

Navigating and managing the healthcare system as a carer can sometimes feel frustrating and daunting, but it doesn’t need to be if you have the right tools and knowledge at your disposal.

Read more on Leukaemia Foundation website

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