BrainTrack App
BrainTrack app is an award-winning, free app developed by Dementia Australia that helps people to explore their brain health, and privately monitor and understand changes in cognition over time.
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Seniors' health
As you get older, it's important to understand how ageing affects the mind and body. Read up on bone health, arthritis, nutrition and more.
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Older people and mental health
Older people can have mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, which are often caused by triggers such as grief, loss or illness.
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Healthy eating over 60
As your body changes over time, so do your nutritional needs. Here's how to get enough fibre, vitamins, minerals and more in your diet as you age.
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Physical activity guidelines for older people
Over-60s should try to be active every day. Here's how much exercise you need to stay mentally and physically strong and prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.
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Premature and early menopause
Early menopause and premature menopause is when menopause happens before the age of 45 years. Read about the causes, symptoms and treatments here.
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Post menopause
Post-menopause begins 12 months after your last period. Learn more about what to expect after menopause and health conditions that become more common.
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The role of a geriatrician
A geriatrician is a specialist doctor who cares for people aged 65 and over. Most are experts at helping people who have multiple conditions.
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