Sleep Ninja app
Health app | By: Black Dog Institute
In summary
- About: helps young people with sleep problems
- Suitable for: young people aged between 12-16
- Cost: free
- More information: Visit this page
Half of all mental illnesses start during early high school by 14 years. At this critical stage of development, 40% of young people will face significant sleep problems heightening their risk of anxiety and depression.
Sleep Ninja® is a free, evidence-based smartphone app shown to be effective in helping young people with sleep problems. Over six weeks, Sleep Ninja teaches skills based on cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which promotes sleep quality and healthy sleep habits and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Sleep Ninja is designed for use during the day (not at bedtime).
The app leads young people through six training sessions that include:
- The importance and role of sleep.
- How to become aware of any habits contributing to poor sleep (e.g., sleep environment, daytime routine, bedtime routine).
- Behavioural and cognitive strategies to change unhelpful sleep patterns.
Sleep Ninja is a free app and can be downloaded from Sleep Ninja app - Apple App Store and Sleep Ninja app - Google Play Store.

Download now:

NOTE: This app is provided by one of Healthdirect Australia's trusted information partners. Please consider if this app is appropriate for your own individual circumstances. There may be costs to use the app or it may be free. You may also be charged for data from your telecommunications provider. For 24-hour health advice call healthdirect - 1800 022 222 or if you need help now these emergency and crisis helplines can provide immediate support.
Last reviewed: March 2023