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Vitamin E and your health

9-minute read

Key facts

  • Vitamin E helps you maintain a healthy immune system, healthy vision and skin.
  • Good sources of vitamin E are nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.
  • Having a handful of nuts as a snack is an easy way to add vitamin E to your diet.
  • Vitamin E deficiency is uncommon, since you only need to eat a small amount in your diet to stay healthy.
  • High-dose vitamin E supplements can build up in your body and this can be harmful.

What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin (dissolves in fat) that is found in several forms. Alpha tocopherol is the form used by your body.

The main role of vitamin E is to act as an antioxidant. Some antioxidants protect your cells against free-radicals (unpaired electrons).

Why is vitamin E important for my health?

Vitamin E helps keep your immune system healthy, promotes good eye health and supports healthy skin.

Vitamin E and heart disease

Research has not shown that vitamin E will lower your risk of coronary heart disease.

Vitamin E and cancer

Many studies have investigated the role of vitamin E in preventing cancers. There is no conclusive evidence that vitamin E will reduce your chance of getting cancer.

Vitamin E and eye disease

Vitamin E taken with vitamin C, beta carotene and zinc provides some protection against age-related macular degeneration.

What foods are high in vitamin E?

Vitamin E is found in:

  • plant-based oils — wheat germ oil and sunflower oil
  • nuts and seeds — almonds, peanuts and sunflower seeds
  • fruits — mangoes, kiwi fruit and avocados
  • vegetables — spinach and red capsicum

The way you prepare your food affects how well vitamins are absorbed. Vitamin E is sensitive to heat, so it's best to eat fresh, raw vitamin E-rich foods when you can.

Here is a guide to some plant foods that are rich in Vitamin E:

Vitamin E-rich food How much Vitamin E? How do I use it?
Almonds — dry roasted

7mg per 23 nuts

Eat these as a snack or add to a salad.

Brazil nuts

5mg per 10 nuts

Eat these as a snack or add to a salad.


2mg per 28g nuts

Use plain, dry-roasted peanuts rather than options with extra salt or sugar.

Pine nuts

3mg per 2 tablespoons

Use in pesto, spreads and baking.

Red capsicum (bell pepper)

2mg per 1 medium raw capsicum

Use fresh in salad or sauté as a side vegetable, but cooking reduces the vitamin content.

Safflower oil

5mg per tablespoon

Use this as a salad dressing.

Spinach — boiled

2mg per ½ cup

Baby spinach can be eaten raw in salad or sautéed in oil as a side dish.

Sunflower seeds

7mg per 28g

Add seeds to your smoothie, cereal or salad.

Wheat germ oil

20mg per tablespoon

Can be used as a cooking oil but high temperatures will reduce its vitamin content.

How much vitamin E do I need?

You only need a small amount of vitamin E in your diet. Females need an average of 7mg daily, and males need around 10mg daily. These values vary depending on your life stage and sex.

There is no evidence that you need more vitamin E when you are pregnant.

You should be able to get all the vitamin E you need by eating a varied diet.

Can I have too little vitamin E?

Vitamin E deficiency is rare. However, people who have digestive disorders or don't absorb fat properly can become deficient a (low in vitamin E).

The following can be signs of vitamin E deficiency:

  • retinopathy (damage to the retina of your eye)
  • peripheral neuropathy (damage to the nerves in your hands or feet)
  • ataxia (loss of control of your body movements)
  • decreased immune function

What if I'm on a restrictive diet?

If you are concerned that you're not getting enough vitamin E, try:

  • adding a nut butter dressing to your salad or as a spread
  • having a handful of nuts and seeds as a snack

If you are on a diet that limits the range of foods you eat, speak to a dietitian. They can tell you what foods and supplements you need.

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What happens if I have too much vitamin E?

Australian guidelines recommend that adults should have no more than 300mg of vitamin E each day.

There is no evidence that eating too much vitamin E from eating whole foods causes toxic effects.

Should I take vitamin E supplements?

Before taking any vitamin supplement, speak with your doctor or an accredited dietitian.

You may need to take a vitamin E supplement if you:

  • are on a restrictive diet, such as a vegan diet
  • have a health condition that affects your digestion — such as coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis (inflammation of your pancreas)

For most people, eating a balanced diet is the best way to get your vitamin E.

Do vitamin E supplements cause side effects?

There are no reports of harmful side effects from vitamin E supplements, when taken by healthy people.

However, there is a risk of excess bleeding with very large amounts (greater than 1000mg a day). This can also happen if you are using a blood thinning medicine such as warfarin.

Resources and support

See the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.

The Dietitians Australia website allows you to search for an Accredited Practising Dietitian.

You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: April 2024

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