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Winter health hazards at home

7-minute read

Key facts

  • Winter items such as hot water bottles, electric blankets and heaters can cause burns and other injuries.
  • Check your heater is safe to use every year, regardless of its type.
  • Faulty electric blankets can overheat, shock, spark and lead to fires.
  • Fill your hot water bottle with warm (not boiling) water and check for leaks before use.
  • For burns, immediately cool with running water for at least 20 minutes.

Winter injuries and risks

Keeping warm and safe during colder months of the year also means being alert to indoor health hazards. Winter items such as hot water bottles, electric blankets and heaters can cause burns and other injuries. Other winter risks come from faulty electrical products that can overheat, give you an electric shock or potentially cause a fire.

The simple tips below should help to keep you safe and healthy at home this winter.


No matter what type of heater you have, check every winter that it is safe to use.

Also be sure not to leave portable heaters in places where people or pets could knock them over. Make sure that flammable items such as bedding or curtains are at least one metre away from your heater to prevent fires.

Gas heaters

Gas heaters produce heat when they burn gas fuel. A flued gas heater releases air pollutants and water vapour outside the home through a chimney or flue, while an unflued gas heater releases them directly into the home.

  • If your gas heater doesn’t have a flue, service it regularly and make sure the room is well-ventilated.
  • Never use an unflued gas heater in a bedroom, bathroom or other small rooms with no permanent ventilation, because harmful toxic gases can build up inside.
  • Your gas heater should be serviced every 2 years by a licensed gas fitter. Signs that something is wrong include difficulty lighting it, yellow flames, unusual smells, or noisy or inoperable fans.

Electric heaters

  • Electric heaters should be checked for obvious damage such as rusted reflectors (especially on older heaters).
  • The power cord should also be checked for any damage.
  • An electrician or service technician should perform any repairs.

Portable outdoor gas heaters

Never use a gas heater designed or marketed for outdoor use inside your home.

Portable outdoor gas heaters can cause fires if incorrectly stored, not properly maintained or placed too close to overhead coverings (such as awnings) or other flammable materials.

Outdoor heaters need regular safety checks and should be serviced every 2 years. Warning signs that a heater is not working well include gas flames and radiant panels that burn yellow or produce soot.

If you detect a gas leak from your outdoor gas heater, turn it off at the cylinder if safe to do so and call your local fire station.

Electric blankets

Check your electric blanket is in good condition and hasn’t been recalled by checking the Recalls Australia website. Faulty electric blankets can overheat, cause electric shock, spark and potentially cause a fire.

Always roll up your blanket to store, as folding it can damage the wires inside. When using it after storage, lay it flat on the bed and check for hot spots as it heats up.

Hot water bottles

Use warm, but not boiling water to fill your hot water bottle and examine it for leaks before you use it. Replace it as soon as it starts to look cracked or worn — or every 2 years. Remember that the rubber can perish from the inside so you may not be able to see if it’s worn out.

Hot water bottles can cause burns if you place them directly on your skin, so make sure they are wrapped in a towel or fabric cover.

Heat packs

Heat packs are fabric bags filled with wheat or other grain, heated in a microwave and used to warm parts of your body. Use caution, as they can cause burns or fires related to:

  • being heated and placed on or in bedding
  • being heated in the microwave for longer than the manufacturer’s specified time
  • reheating them before they have cooled properly
  • being old, causing the filling to become dried out and combustible

First aid for burns

Burns can be caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, gases, friction and radiation (including sunlight). The aim of first aid for burns is to stop the burning process, cool the burn (for pain relief) and cover the burn.

Immediate first aid steps

  • Cool the burn with running water for at least 20 minutes.
  • Remove tight clothing and objects such as rings, watches or jewellery if they are not stuck to the skin.
  • Cover the burnt area with a light, loose, nonstick dressing. Use clean, dry, non-fluffy material such as plastic cling film.
  • If possible, elevate the burnt limb to minimise swelling.
  • Keep the person covered to prevent them from getting cold.
  • Call for help.

Call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance or go straight to your nearest emergency department if:

  • the burn is deep, even if the person doesn’t complain of pain
  • the burn is bigger than a 20 cent piece
  • the burn affects the airway, face, hands or genitals
  • there are patches of brown, black, white or the skin looks leathery
  • the burn was caused by chemicals or electricity
  • the patient is having trouble breathing

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Resources and support

To learn more about first aid for burns, read the burns and scalds fact sheet from St John Ambulance Australia.

Call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 at any time to speak to a registered nurse (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria) for more information and advice.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: February 2024

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Unflued gas heaters - Fact sheets

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Be safe at home this winter | ACCC Product Safety

Winter is here and that means products like heaters, electric blankets, hot water bottles and heat packs are coming out of storage or being purchased.

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Read more on St John Ambulance Australia website

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