Workplace mental health
Your workplace can have a positive or negative impact on your mental health. Finding the right work-life balance can be difficult, but it might help different aspects of your mental health and wellbeing.
Workplace mental health can be affected by a range of issues, including work-related stress, workplace bullying and work-life balance.
The pages below contain information and resources on how your mental health can be affected at work, including strategies for staying well.

Work-life balance
Poor work-life balance can lead to stress and negative health outcomes. Here's how to succeed at work but leave time for yourself and your family.

Workplace bullying
Workplace bullying can be physical or mental and the behaviour directed against the victim can also be threatening or demeaning.

Work-related stress
Too much stress at work can affect you professionally and personally. Understand how work-related stress can affect you and how to manage it.

Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention. It can affect your mental health, and is illegal. Learn what to do if you are being sexually harassed.