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Excessive worry

8-minute read

Key facts

  • It's common to worry about stressful situations, but excessive worrying may be out of proportion to the situation.
  • Excessive worrying can prevent you from doing things and negatively impact your life.
  • Excessive worrying is a symptom of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).
  • If you think you have GAD, talk to your doctor — they can refer you to a mental health professional.
  • A mental health professional can give you advice and treatment to manage excessive worrying.

What is excessive worry?

To worry is to feel anxious or fearful about things. This means you might assume the worst about something that may or will happen in the future.

It's natural to worry about things that are important in your life, such as taking an exam or going to a job interview. This worry is generally short-lived. When in a new or challenging situation, worry can actually help you:

  • solve problems
  • achieve more
  • perform better

But, if you find your worrying is hard to control, this can be a problem. Excessive worrying can :

  • seem to be persistent (there all the time)
  • be out of proportion to the situation
  • lead to avoidance or seeking lots of reassurance

Excessive worry is one of the main symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder. A person with generalised anxiety disorder often worries about different areas of their life, such as:

  • finances
  • health
  • safety
  • relationships
  • work
  • education

What symptoms are related to excessive worry?

People who experience excessive worry and anxiety may have physical and mental effects, such as:

You might start avoiding situations that trigger (cause) your worry. This can interfere with your daily life.

People with generalised anxiety disorder may also:

What causes excessive worry?

Anxiety disorders that cause excessive worrying can be caused by a combination of environmental and genetic (inherited) factors. These include:

  • a family history of anxiety
  • stressful life events
  • having certain personality traits, such as perfectionism

How is the cause of excessive worry diagnosed?

To help make sense of your worries and anxieties, you can speak to your doctor or a mental health professional. They may ask about your:

  • symptoms
  • circumstances
  • personal situation

When should I see my doctor?

You should seek help from your doctor or a mental health professional if worrying:

  • affects you every day
  • causes you anxiety
  • causes you to avoid activities
  • is constant and difficult to deal with
  • causes you distress

If you find it difficult to reach out to your doctor, here are some tips for talking to your doctor about mental health.

If you need to talk to someone about your mental health, you can also call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

ASK YOUR DOCTOR — Preparing for an appointment? Use the Question Builder for general tips on what to ask your GP or specialist.

When should I seek urgent care?

Excessive worrying can cause distress and agitation. These feelings can put you at risk of harming yourself or others.

If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger of hurting themselves or others, call triple zero 000.

How is excessive worry treated?

Excessive worrying is treated by managing the cause of your worry. Usually, this means treating anxiety. The treatments that are used for generalised anxiety disorder include:

Your doctor may suggest you see mental health professional, such as a:

In addition to these treatments, there are also self-help techniques to help you cope with excessive worry and anxiety.

Self-care at home

Self-care strategies and techniques that can be helpful in managing excessive worry include:

You can also try planning your worry time — this may help stop your worrying taking over at other times. Set aside 10 minutes a day to think about your worries or write them down.

Another technique that may help when you are worrying is to challenge your self-talk. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my worrying reasonable — is it likely to happen?
  • Is my worrying useful — is it likely to help the situation?
  • Could I be doing something else instead that would be more helpful?

Try to find new, positive ways to look at a worrying situation.

Lifestyle measures

A healthy lifestyle can help to reduce stress and worry. This might include:

Medicines for excessive worry

Medicines may be an option if you have anxiety and intense worry.

Talk to your doctor about your worrying, and whether there may be medicines that could be helpful in your situation.

Complications of excessive worry

Excessive worrying and general anxiety can prevent you from living your life in the way you want. It can become harder to manage if left untreated.

Resources and support

If you need help, talking to your doctor is a good place to start. If you'd like to find out more or talk to someone else, there are some organisations that can help.

You can also call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: March 2024

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