Men's health
There are ways that men can improve their health, such as eating enough fruit and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight and staying safe at work. Learn about how to maintain good health and wellbeing.

Anger management
Anger is a normal emotion. But if you don’t control it, anger can lead to aggressive behaviour and violence. Learn how to manage it.

Circumcision surgically removes the foreskin of the penis. This may be done for different reasons. Learn about the risks and benefits of circumcision.

Male or female condoms are important forms of contraception that can prevent most sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy.

Depression in men
Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects how you feel, think and manage daily activities.

Domestic violence and abusive relationships
Domestic violence (family violence) is when someone uses violence to maintain power over someone they're close to. Learn about what to do if affected.

Epididymitis is inflammation of the tube at the back of each testicle. Find out more about the symptoms, prevention and treatment of epididymitis.

Genital thrush in males
Thrush is a yeast infection caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called candida. Learn how to prevent and manage this common yeast infection in males.

Find out about the causes and treatment for gynaecomastia — the development of enlarged breasts in males.

Health checks, screenings and tests
Learn about the different health checks, screenings and tests that are available and at what time in your life you should have them.

Heart attack symptoms: males vs females
Find out about the differences in heart attack symptoms between males and females, and about what can increase your risk of having a heart attack.

Heart and cardiovascular conditions
Learn more about the conditions that affect your heart and cardiovascular system, such as high blood pressure, angina and heart disease.

Heart health check
Understanding heart disease risk can help you reduce your risk and protect your heart. Find out more about heart disease risk and heart disease tests.

Klinefelter (XXY) syndrome
Klinefelter (XXY) syndrome symptoms includes small genitals and infertility. Around 1 in 1000 males have Klinefelter syndrome, but most are unaware.

Male pattern baldness
Male pattern baldness (MPB) is a common genetic condition causing hair thinning at the crown and receding hairline, affecting half of men over 40.

Groin irritation and infection
Groin irritation can cause itching and burning and be painful and annoying. Learn more about symptoms, causes and treatments for groin irritation.

Male reproductive system
The male reproductive system includes external genitals and internal parts including the prostate gland. Learn how it works and what can go wrong.

Male sexual problems
Nearly 1 in 2 Australian men have experienced a sexual difficulty, which can include a sexual act, from foreplay to an erection, and ejaculation.

Mental health conditions
A mental health condition is a disease that affects your thoughts, mood and behaviour. Learn more about them, their symptoms and treatment.

Mental health resources for men
Many things can affect your mental health. There are many resources and supports available to help men improve and manage their mental health.

Penis problems
Penis problems can cause men to worry sometimes. Here is helpful information about common penis issues and how they can be treated.

Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in males, but most are slow-growing. Find out more about screening, diagnosis and treatment.

Prostate problems
Swelling, enlargement and cancer are the most common problems that affect the prostate. Learn about important symptoms and treatment options.

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test
A prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test can be used to test for prostate cancer. It can also be used to monitor prostate cancer

Sexual assault and rape
Learn about sexual assault, rape, and how to report an assault. Find 24-hour support helplines, which you can call anonymously.

Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention. It can affect your mental health, and is illegal. Learn what to do if you are being sexually harassed.

Discover what stress is, how it affects you and how to manage it effectively. Learn about stress symptoms, causes, and tips for relief and prevention.

Swollen or painful testicle
A swollen or painful testicle can be caused by many things. If the pain is severe, you should visit your nearest emergency department.

Your testosterone levels can vary depending on your sex, age and health. Learn more about low testosterone, possible causes and symptoms.

Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young males. Treatment is usually successful. Learn about detection, symptoms and treatment.

Testicular torsion
Testicular torsion causes sudden, painful swelling in the scrotum. It needs emergency surgery to save the testicle. Learn about symptoms to look for.

A varicocele is a swelling of veins in your scrotum. Read all about the symptoms, causes and complications, as well as treatments.

A vasectomy is a permanent form of contraception involving surgery. Learn about the procedure and what to expect, to make an informed decision.

Work-related stress
Too much stress at work can affect you professionally and personally. Understand how work-related stress can affect you and how to manage it.