Young adults health

Young adults' health

Contraception options
Some types of contraception (birth control) are easier to use or more effective than others - know how to make the best choice for you.

Domestic violence and abusive relationships
Domestic violence (family violence) is when someone uses violence to maintain power over someone they're close to. Learn about what to do if affected.

Drugs and alcohol
Learn more about alcohol, substance abuse and a range of drugs including marijuana, ice (crystal meth) and MDMA (ecstasy).

How alcohol affects your health
Many of us drink alcohol, but there are side effects. Read about alcohol's effects on your body, safe drinking, what a standard drink is and more.

Glandular fever
Glandular fever (also called 'kissing disease') is an infectious disease common in teenagers and young adults. Learn how glandular fever can spread.

Sexual assault and rape
Learn about sexual assault, rape, and how to report an assault. Find 24-hour support helplines, which you can call anonymously.

Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention. It can affect your mental health, and is illegal. Learn what to do if you are being sexually harassed.

Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
Sex is part of a healthy relationship, but can carry risks. Learn about safe sex, STIs, spotting symptoms, and what to do if you get infected.

Suicide warning signs
Recognising warning signs of suicide, determining those who are most at risk, and knowing how to access support could help save a life.

What is addiction?
This article describes the types, causes and signs of addiction, and where to get help.

Wellbeing at work
Reduce your risk of work-related ill-health, and improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Learn about your rights and workplace safety.