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Stress in young people

7-minute read

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Key facts

  • Stress is a normal part of life, but too much stress can lead to problems.
  • Common symptoms of stress include anxiety, irritability, disturbed sleep, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Young Australians (16 – 34 years) have higher levels of stress than older Australians.
  • Causes of stress in young people can include academic pressure, body image, bullying and family issues.
  • Managing stress involves identifying stressors and learning to manage stress reactions.
  • Seek professional help if stress becomes unmanageable.

What is stress?

Stress is a natural human response to the pressure you feel in challenging or dangerous situations. In moderate amounts, stress can motivate us to respond to challenges. However, too much stress can lead to unhealthy coping strategies such as avoidance, and can cause broader health issues.

Here are some common symptoms of too much stress.

Emotional and mental signs include:

Physical and behavioural signs include:

Stress can last for a long time or overwhelm your coping abilities. If this happens, stress can have a negative impact on every aspect of your life, including your:

Unmanaged stress can contribute to mental illness.

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Stress and young people

Everyone experiences stress for different reasons. This can vary for different generations.

Research has shown that stress in teenagers and young adults is much higher than in older Australians. Young people are also more likely to report mental health concerns than older Australians.

Young people experience stress for many reasons.

Academic and personal challenges that contribute to stress:

Social and environmental factors that contribute to stress:

How do I manage stress?

There are tools you can use to reduce feelings of stress.

If you are feeling stressed, it is important to try and identify the cause. Then consider what you can change and what you can't control.

What can I do?

Do things you enjoy regularly, even if you don't feel like doing them.

This may include:

You may also be able to help keep stress levels down by recognising unhelpful sources of stress — including pressures you place on yourself — before they become a bigger problem.

Think about changes you can make to improve your situation.

To manage feelings of stress:

It can be difficult to talk about stress with your school, college, university, or employer. However, if you are feeling stressed about work or study, they may be able to provide support.

Talk to others if you can — you may have family and friends who are willing to help.

Keep things in perspective. Don't underestimate yourself. However, if you cannot control something, try to direct your energy elsewhere.

headspace offers a helpful video about mental health and ways to improve it, specifically for young people aged between 12 and 25 years.

When should I see my doctor?

Many people need professional help to make lasting changes to reduce their stress levels. This may include talking to your doctor.

Your doctor may recommend stress management classes. They can also help diagnose any mental health issues or refer you to a psychologist. By addressing the cause of your stress, they can help provide you with the best advice and treatment.

Resources and support

If you need support:

Here are some other tools to try:

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