Bullying occurs in many ways which all cause distress and pain to the person being bullied. Learn to recognise the signs and where to get advice and support.
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Workplace bullying
Workplace bullying can be physical or mental and the behaviour directed against the victim can also be threatening or demeaning.
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Cyberbullies work together or alone and attack their victims using electronic means, such as email or social media. Learn how to recognise cyberbullying and access resources to help protect against cyberbullying.
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Bullying and harassment
It comes in many forms – such as verbal, physical or online abuse – and bullying can leave the target feeling weak, helpless and even responsible.
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Workplace mental health
These pages include information and resources on how your mental health can be affected at work, and strategies for staying well.
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Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse, threats, restricting freedom and public embarrassment. It can cause physical and mental health problems.
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Teenage mental health
Teenagers and adolescents can suffer from mental health issues as they experience new relationships, school, study or starting a new job.
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Mental health and wellbeing
Taking care of your mental health can help you to copy with daily stress, as well as feel good and maintain healthy relationships.
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Self-esteem and mental health
Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself. Find out the signs of low self-esteem and what you can do to improve your self-esteem and mental health.
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Body image
An unhealthy body image affects your mental health and wellbeing. It may lead to an eating disorder. Here are some tips to improve your body image.
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