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Health and wellbeing apps

Apps and online programs can help you when you need it most. Below you'll find the healthdirect app, plus apps and online programs from trusted information partners.

healthdirect app

By Healthdirect Australia

The healthdirect app helps Australians make informed decisions about their health by providing symptom checks, health services and trusted health information.

You can also connect to My Health Record to view health records, including your COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate, immunisations, pathology reports and Medicare items.

Get the app today

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Raising Healthy Minds
By Raising Children Network

Supports parents, carers and professionals to build knowledge and confidence concerning the social and emotional wellbeing of children.

What Were We Thinking!
By Jean Hailes

Provides information and guidance to help new parents with their babies.

Feed Safe
By Australian Breastfeeding Association, Reach Health Promotion Innovations and Curtin University

Advises mothers on the best decisions to make about alcohol and breastfeeding.

Online programs

By Parent-Infant Research Institute

Works to help females with depression during pregnancy (antenatal depression).

By Parent-Infant Research Institute

Works to help females with depression after pregnancy (postnatal depression).

Pregnancy and Postnatal Mental Health Programs

Two online courses good for perinatal mental health (anxiety and low mood)

General health and wellbeing


First Aid
By Australian Red Cross

Provides instant access to the information you need to know to handle the most common first aid emergencies.

Get Prepared
By Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

Helps Australian adults to prepare for any type of emergency.

By The George Institute for Global Health

Helps you make better food choices by scanning the barcode of a packaged food with your phone camera and being provided with simple health and nutrition information and suggested healthier alternatives to 'switch' to.

RACGP Healthy Habits

Provides support, education and motivation to make steps and changes to their lifestyle for improved mental and physical wellbeing.

By Dementia Australia

BrainTrack app is an award-winning, free app developed by Dementia Australia that helps people to explore their brain health, and privately monitor and understand changes in cognition over time.

Express Plus Centrelink
Centrelink - Services Australia

The app helps you manage most of your Centrelink information on your mobile phone.

Manage Medicine
By Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Managing your medicines and/or those of someone you care for, recording and storing important medical information.

My QuitBuddy
By Department of Health and Aged Care

Helps Australian adults to get, and stay, smoke-free and vape-free. It provides helpful tips to overcome cravings and tracking systems to chart your progress.

Online programs

Insomnia Program
By This Way Up

Provides step-by-step strategies for managing chronic sleep difficulties and insomnia.

Domestic violence


Daisy app

Connects people experiencing violence or abuse to local services across Australia. Family members and friends can also find information on how to support people who are experiencing violence.


Helps people to recognise, respond and get help if they are experiencing violence and abuse.

Disability and chronic conditions


By National Relay Service

Helps people who are deaf, are hard of hearing or have a speech impairment make and take phone calls.

Young Onset Parkinson's Exchange (YOP X)
By Parkinson’s Australia

An information portal and resource hub, supporting people with young onset Parkinson's.

Down Syndrome Health Record
Down Syndrome Australia

Health record app for parents and support people of children with Down syndrome to record and monitor the child’s health, growth and development.

Down Syndrome Good Health App
Down Syndrome Australia

Supports adults with Down syndrome to keep a diary of their meals, water intake, exercise and daily activities.

Online programs

Chronic Pain Program
By This Way Up

Works to help reduce the impact of chronic pain on your quality of life.

Chronic Pain Course

Can help you manage the impact of chronic pain on your day-to-day life and your emotional wellbeing. The course is not designed to ‘cure’ or ‘treat’ pain, but to help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Chronic Conditions Course

The Chronic Conditions Course is a clinically-proven treatment to help adults manage the impact of living with a chronic physical health condition.



Kids' Guide to Cancer
By Camp Quality

Empowers kids to learn more about cancer on their own terms, at their own pace, and understand everything that is going on.

Counterpart Navigator
By Counterpart

When you have questions about your cancer diagnosis, treatment or life after cancer, find reliable, up-to-date information on topics you may want to know about.



Asthma First Aid
By Asthma Australia

Outlines asthma first aid steps to help people manage an asthma emergency.

Kiss My Asthma
By Asthma Australia

Helps young people manage asthma.

Mental health


Beyond Now
By Lifeline

Helps people with suicidal feelings to prepare a safety plan to help them through tough times.

Smiling Mind
By Smiling Mind

A mindfulness and meditation program to help reduce stress and improve your wellbeing.

Sleep Ninja
By Black Dog Institute

Shown to be effective in helping young people with sleep problems.

By Black Dog Institute

Helps young people aged 12-17 with depression and psychological distress.

Online programs

Depression Program
By This Way Up

Provides ways to manage depression.

Depression Online Program
By Mental Health Online

Helps adults over 18 to learn and implement skills and strategies that help manage depression, low mood and motivation.

Depression - Anxiety Program
By Mental Health Online

Helps adults over 18 to learn and implement skills and strategies that help manage depression, low mood and motivation.

Anxiety and Depression Program
By This Way Up

Helps adults 18 years and over with depression, low mood, motivation, anxiety and worry.

Anxiety and Worry Program
By Mental Health Online

Helps adults over 18 to understand the nature of anxiety and worry and to learn the skills and strategies that help them manage anxiety and improve overall mental health and wellbeing.

Mood Mechanic Course
By MindSpot

Recommended for adult Australians aged 18–25 years, this online course is good for low mood, depression, stress, social anxiety, panic attacks or excessive worry.

Panic Stop! Program
By Mental Health Online

Helps adults over 18 to manage panic and agoraphobia, increase understanding of panic attacks and panic disorder and learn the skills and strategies useful for managing panic.

Generalised Anxiety Program
By This Way Up

Provides ways to manage anxiety and worries.

The Wellbeing Course

Helps individuals aged 26-65 gain better control over symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

The Wellbeing Plus Course

Recommended for people who are 60 years of age or older and experience low mood, depression, stress, social anxiety, panic attacks or general worry.

Indigenous Wellbeing Course

Recommended for people who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged 18 years and older, this course helps to improve their psychological health and overcome symptoms of depression and anxiety in a culturally respectful way.

Healthy Mind Online Program
By Black Dog Institute

Helps people with intellectual disability to better understand and manage their thoughts and feelings.

OCD Program
By This Way Up

Provides ways to manage obsessive and compulsive thoughts.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Course
By MindSpot

Clinically-proven treatment that helps adults aged 18 years and over to manage obsessions and compulsions.

OCD Stop! Program
By Mental Health Online

Helps adults over 18 to understand more about obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and to learn strategies to better manage OCD and improve their overall mental health and wellbeing.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Course
By MindSpot

Clinically-proven treatment that helps adults aged 18 years and over to manage psychological and emotional symptoms resulting from experiencing a traumatic event.

PTSD Online Program
By Mental Health Online

Helps adults over 18 to understand and manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and helps them to learn how to change the unhelpful thoughts and beliefs maintaining PTSD.

Social Anxiety Program
By This Way Up

Provides ways to manage shyness and the fear of socialising.

Social Anxiety Online Program
Mental Health Online

Helps adults over 18 to learn and implement skills and strategies that help manage social anxiety and improve their overall mental health and wellbeing.

Last reviewed: May 2024

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Healthdirect Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners and to Elders both past and present.